Pain management information and resources for patients seeking the care of a pain doctor.
FSIPP’s focus is to serve as a resource for pain management physicians and their teams that diagnose and treat pain patients. FSIPP has designed resources to support both pain physicians and patients. The organization supports pain care specialists by providing their patients with helpful information and tools to educate them about pain. Secondly, it helps patients find a member of FSIPP in their area and connect them with organizations that directly serve pain patients in the State of Florida.
What is pain medicine?
Pain medicine is the study of pain, pain prevention, and the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of people in pain.
Some conditions may have pain and associated symptoms from a distinct cause, such as postoperative pain or pain associated with malignancy. Or it may be a condition in which pain is the primary problem, such as neuropathic pains or headaches. The evaluation of a patient’s pain includes interpreting their medical history; reviewing prior laboratory, imaging, and electrodiagnostic studies; and assessing behavioral, social, occupational, and other potential issues. And, finally, most importantly, interviewing and examining the patient.
Organizations that educate, connect, and advocate for people with pain
The following organizations directly support or represent patients with pain. Several offer pain management tools, advocacy opportunities, and support groups.