Corporate sponsorships are renewed annually and are good for ONE CALENDAR YEAR from the date of renewal – Multiple year commitments are also welcome and encouraged
FSIPP Corporate Sponsorhip Programs
Diamond Sponsorship
Annual Sponsor fee: $50,000
Benefits include:
- Recognition on the website for the calendar year
- Ability to sponsor Regional Membership Dinner meetings
– Unlimited number per year - Invitation to participate in FSIPP membership training webinars and conference calls
– Unlimited number per year - Recognition at the FSIPP annual meeting as a Diamond Level Corporate Sponsor
- Coordination of any dine arounds or outside activities including training labs (pre-approval needed) at the annual meeting
- Opportunity to give a 15 minute presentation at Annual FSIPP Board meeting
- Receipt of FSIPP newsletter – published three times yearly and distributed to FSIPP membership
- Full page advertising space in each of the FSIPP newsletters for the year of sponsorship
- Advertising space and banner ad on FSIPP website
Platinum Sponsorship
Annual Sponsor fee: $30,000
Benefits include:
- Recognition on the website for the calendar year
- Ability to sponsor Regional Membership Dinner meetings
– Max 5 per calendar year - Invitation to participate in FSIPP membership training webinars and conference calls
– Max 4 per calendar year - Recognition at the FSIPP annual meeting as a Platinum Level Corporate Sponsor
- Opportunity to give a 15 minute presentation at Annual FSIPP Board meeting Participation in a 20 minute closed door meeting with the FSIPP Board of Directors at the FSIPP annual meeting
- Receipt of FSIPP newsletter – published three times yearly and distributed to FSIPP membership
- Half page advertising space in each of the FSIPP newsletters for the year of sponsorship
- Vertical Banner ad on FSIPP website
Gold Sponsorship
Annual Sponsor fee: $15,000
Benefits include:
- Recognition on the website for the calendar year
- Ability to sponsor Regional Membership Dinner meetings
– Max 3 per calendar year - Invitation to participate in FSIPP membership training webinars and conference calls
– 1 per calendar year - Recognition at the FSIPP annual meeting as a Gold Level Corporate Sponsor
- Receipt of FSIPP newsletter – published three times yearly and distributed to FSIPP membership
Bronze Sponsorship
Annual Sponsor fee: $10,000
Benefits include:
- Recognition on the website for the calendar year
- Ability to sponsor Regional Membership Dinner meetings
– Max 1 per calendar year - Recognition at the FSIPP annual meeting as a Bronze Level Corporate Sponsor
- Receipt of FSIPP quarterly newsletter – published three times yearly and distributed to FSIPP membership
Thank You to Our Current Sponsors!